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Conference "Root Cause: Comparative Studies in Literature and Translation", 14 November 2024
We invite you to participate!

Call for proposals: "Root Cause: Comparative Studies in Literature and Translation" (updated deadline for proposals to 01/10/2024)
Updated the deadline for publications: 1/10/2024.

The Seventh Comparative Literature Seminar will be held on 10-02-2024
Jakub Kapičiak and Jakub Mikulecký, researchers from the Czech Academy of Sciences, will give the presentations.

Conference: "Literature in Eras of Conflict: Ideology and Ethics", 17–18 October 2024
We invite you to participate!

We have signed a cooperation agreement with the Association for Urban Literary Studies
The intention is to organise the traditional international LLLA conference in 2026 in cooperation with ALUS.

Call for papers: Genesis – Vilnius 2025
Please send an abstract and a short bio by 1/10/2024.

Call for proposals: "Literature in Eras of Conflict: Ideology and Ethics"
Updated: deadline for submission of applications: 1 June, 2024.

The conference "Reviving Memory and Overcoming Oblivion: Comparative Aspects" is here!
An international conference will be held on 10-11 November 2022. Check out the programme!

A new "Acta Litteraria Comparativa" on taste research is published
The thematic issue on taste brings together in one place papers devoted to various aspects of taste.

The First Seminar of Literary Baltic Studies will be held on 14-06-2022
Dr Vigmantas Butkus will give a presentation.

International Conference "Contemporary Playwriting: Developments, Challenges and Themes"
An international arts conference will be held on 24-25 of November 2022. We look forward to your abstracts!

New LCLA Chairperson and Council was elected
The General-Elective Meeting of LCLA members has elected the new Council of the Association and its Chairperson!

The Association signed a cooperation agreement with the ILLF
On 30 March 2022 LCLA and ILLF sign a scientific cooperation agreement.

International conference „Reviving Memory and Overcoming Oblivion: Comparative Aspects“
An international scientific conference will be held on 10-11 November 2022.

LCLA denounces the imperialist war of Russia against Ukraine
LCLA denounces the imperialist war of Russia against Ukraine.

The Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association Award Has Been Established
LCLA has established an award for the activities in the field of comparative studies!

Call for contributions for a special issue of "Semiotika" (2022) dedicated to Yuri Lotman
The special issue is dedicated to Yuri Lotman to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth.

Join the first series of comparative seminars on January 27, 2022
We kindly invite to the first online event of the Comparative Seminar-Discussion Series.

The results of the Lithuanian Research Council's project competition were announced
Volume 9 of "Acta litteraria comparativa", has received funding for publication!

The LCLA general meeting is scheduled for November 14, 2021
We cordially invite you to the LCAL's general meeting.
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