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Conference "Root Cause: Comparative Studies in Literature and Translation", 14 November 2024

Unsplash | Mike van den Bos, 2021

International scientific conference

Root Cause: Comparative Studies in Literature and Translation

14 November, 2024

Vilnius UNESCO City of Literature, Vilnius, Lithuania

The conference will take place at the Vilnius UNESCO City of Literature (šv. Jono g. 11, LT– 01123 Vilnius, Lithuania).

Conference languages: Lithuanian, Estonian, English.

Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators and Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association, along with Vilnius UNESCO City of Literature invite you to participate in their joint international scientific conference Root Cause: Comparative Studies in Literature and Translation.

Both comparative literary research and literary translation are slow, diligent processes that require skill, patience, as well as determination to look at the very core of the object in question, and often yield unexpected findings. Since the year 2024 has been declared the Year of Estonian literature in Lithuania, a great opportunity arises for a closer inspection of our literary fields, for comparison, and exchange of ideas to plant.

Root cause is here seen as a metaphor of underlying mechanism determining and directing the growth as well as an indication of certain literary aesthetics, movements, and even obstacles encountered. How do we approach the underlying rocks of our literary history? What has been uncovered during the memory excavation? What key personalities, literary movements or written works appear to be surprisingly entangled? How the pests and infestation are approached? What environment encounters our literature in translation: is the new soil fertile or welcoming at least? What conclusions are offered by the research of 20th century Baltic literatures in exile? Human or non-human, roots are of vital importance: what insights could be shared on multispecies urban realm? Oftentimes comparative and interdisciplinary approach may offer valuable insights, as with a change in perspective possibly comes a new set of tools for inspection, and, if needed, detanglement, pruning or conservation.

Here the programme of the conference:

Please also check the abstracts:

More information about the keynote speakers:

Scientific Committee

Dr. Karolina Bagdonė

Agnė Bernotaitė

Daiva Daugirdienė

Tiina Kattel

Dr. Laura Laurušaitė

Dr. Elle-Mari Tallivee



Antakalnio st. 6, Vilnius 10308, Lithuania

+370 682 49903

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