Ethics of publishing
Publication of Papers and Authorship
Preparation of Acta Litteraria comparativa for publication and its publishing are carried out in line with the requirements of academic ethics.
The journal does not publish articles and other materials previously published in other publications or websites.
Plagiarism, that is, passing a text, a research methodology, or an idea of someone else as one’s own, presenting empirical data featuring in academic circulation as newly discovered, and failure to indicate the references used, is prohibited.
The journal publishes submitted articles free of charge, and the authors are not financially remunerated for the publication of their papers.
Copyright on the material published in the journal is owned by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. Authors are reserved the exclusive right to use their works separately from the journal Acta Litteraria comparativa as a joint work.
If under certain circumstances the publishing of Acta Litteraria comparativa is terminated, the electronic archive of the journal will be kept and freely accessible at the website of the Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association.
Author Responsibilities
Submitted articles shall correspond to the requirements of originality established for an academic publication and shall be prepared in accordance with requirements for publications regarding the structure of the article, citation, bibliographical references, summary, and other aspects approved by the journal (for more on this, please see Stylesheet for submission). Reviews shall also be prepared in accordance with the requirements for publications.
The contribution of all named co-authors to research and preparation of the paper shall be of equal significance.
The Author shall ensure that all the data contained in a paper is reliable and accurate.
All sources of financial support pertaining to research and preparation of a paper shall be acknowledged in the paper.
The Author must take into account the reviewers’ remarks regarding mistakes, the soundness of propositions and conclusions, the consistency and exhaustiveness of analysis, and other motivated opinions.
Reviewing and Reviewer Responsibilities
Acta litteraria comparativa uses double-blind peer-review, which means that identities of the reviewers (at least two experts in the relevant field of research selected by the Editorial Board) and that of the author are concealed throughout the review process. If the reviewers disagree in their conclusions regarding the suitability of a paper for publication, the Editorial Board shall appoint a third reviewer and, having received his or her opinion, make decisions about the publication of an article.
Reviewers shall disclose any potential conflict of interest regarding the articles they are requested to review, including funding-related concerns or their personal attitudes to the material in question, to the Editorial Board of the journal.
Reviewers shall alert the Editorial Board to any similar works already published if they are not cited in the article reviewed.
Reviewers shall ensure the confidentiality of the review procedure. They shall not discuss the articles reviewed, or distribute their copies, or retain copies of these articles in any format.
Editorial Responsibilities
The Editor-in-Chief shall retain the final authority to accept or reject a submission. In the case of a disputable article, the Editor shall request the opinion of the Editorial Board.
The Editorial Board shall ascertain any potential conflicts of interest between the Author of a submission and the reviewers (including positive or negative information about the authors, relations with them or the affiliated institutions, and funding-related issues) and ensure that these factors do not influence acceptance or rejection of a submitted article.
The Editorial Board shall ensure appropriate course of peer-reviewing and make objective decisions. The reviewers’ possible bias and information about the Author (his or her gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political views, or ethnicity) shall not be a basis of evaluation or a cause for discrimination.
Acceptance of a submitted article for publication in Acta litteraria comparativa implies the highest confidence in its academic value.
If erroneous information is found in an article, the Editorial Board shall ensure that a correction, retraction, or apology is promptly published.